2012.09 – 2016.06 多伦多大学,主修大众传媒与社会学双专业,文学学士
2017.09 – 2019.06 清华大学,新闻传播学,主修财经新闻,文学硕士
2019.09 – 2024.06 清华大学,新闻传播学,文学博士
2022.09 –2023.02 利兹大学,媒体与传播学院,访问学者
Lu, M., Zhang, L., & Zhang, Z. (2024 online first). Constructing a New Framework for Sport and Development: Investigating the Media Portrayal of Village Basketball Association in China. Communication & Sport, 0(0). Online first.
Xu, Y., Wen, S., Zhang, L., & Su, J. (2024 forthcoming). Is Disinformation More Likely to Spread? A Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Emerging Infectious Diseases on China’s Short-video Platform. BMJ Open.
Zhang, L.*, & Shi, L. (2023). The “Descendant of Dragon” or an “American Dreamer”? The Flow of Identity in the Media Discourse of Eileen Gu Between China and the US. Communication & Sport, 12(1), 63-80.
Zhang, L.*, & Zhou, Q. (2023). Covering conflicts and risks: Chinese newspapers’ peace-loving discourse and their use of risk language. Journal of Risk Research, 26(9), 1020-1036.
Shi, L., & Zhang, L*. (2022). A smarter and greener Olympics: Mediatization and public reception in the preparation stage of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Communication & Sport, 10(5), 951-972.
周庆安 & 张力文. (2020). 信息图:新闻发布的可视化呈现新路径. 新闻与写作(08),92-96.
Snow, N., & Zhang L. (2023). “The Sino-US soft power games: Beyond aggressive competition to mutual accommodation”, in Ohnesorge, H. W. (eds.), Soft power and the future of US foreign policy. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Shi, A., & Zhang, L. (2024 forthcoming). “Making China Loveable: Reorienting China’s International Communication and Nation Branding”, in Rawnsley, M-Y., & Ma, Y. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Chinese Media II.
张力文,李涵沁,车少鹏,许涌斌.(2024). 情理并存:突发公共卫生事件中的中国本土合法性话语生产与政治传播实践. 第十一届政治传播与社会发展论坛暨“政治传播、数字交往与全球文明”学术研讨会(中国,广州).
Zhang, L.* (2024). Leadership without Leaders: Public Agency in Populist Social Movements. AEJMC 2024.
Zhang, L.* (2023). Temporality Construction as part of the Communicative Process: How Citizen Populism is Done Online. IAMCR 2023.
Zhang, L.* (2022). Revisiting the role of mainstream media: A study of COVID-19 vaccine coverage in four African nations. IAMCR 2022.
中国政府奖学金(2017 – 2023)